
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

UAE Military Exhibit

During the 42nd UAE National Day Celebration, a military exhibit was also held on the Corniche Beach.  We didn't miss this opportunity to go and visit, as exhibits like this are seldomly held.  I am not really familiar with the names of all the aircrafts, tanks, and other machines that were on display.  I just took snaps of those and I will let you, my dear readers, see how the exhibit was like. 

It was a very organized exhibit.  Each plane or tank has several personnel who would gladly explain to the guests what the machine was called, its history, etc., etc.  However, I did not spend much any time listening to those as the sun was showing us how powerful it was at 35 degrees Celsius.  The exhibit occupied much of the area of the Corniche East Plaza.  There was a shuttle available to bring the guests to and from the exhibit, which was a really good idea on their part.

However, I noticed that bachelors were not allowed to go in.  The event was, unfortunately, only for families.  I really felt sorry for them as the exhibit was really good and I hope that everyone was given equal opportunity to witness the magnificent display that they had.

There were also airconditioned tents for the smaller exhibits like the guns, the military uniforms of the different emirates, etc.

The exhibit was not just for adults; it was for kids, too.  There were many activities for the kids like face painting, coloring, etc.  They were also giving lots and lots of freebies like hard to find pins, shirts, caps, bags, food, etc.

Entertainment was also provided with the locals dancing to their traditional music.  There was also an opportunity to have your pictures taken with the navy, army, etc.

The exhibit only lasted for several days and I am so glad that we were able to witness how impressive the UAE military has been, is and will be.

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